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Carrier command 2 virus bot

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Uzumaki: The Spiral infects people to spread insanity and death.The way it manifests still acts like this trope, however. The protagonists' boss works for the Animus clan, who cursed people of Dolores descent to turn into mindless and feral killers. Two rival clans, Dolores and Animus, each stole from the other a Book Of Curses and used it against the other. Red Garden: In the first episodes those affected by "the virus" appear to be superhuman.They don't seem to have control over their bodies, though in typical fashion the "infected" may have some dying words such as "kill me" to mutter. Le Chevalier d'Eon: people being controlled by the Psalms turn into "ghouls" who bleed silvery blood and their flesh is all gross looking.Mobile Fighter G Gundam has DG Cells which prove that the only thing worse than zombies are cyborg zombies with giant robots.The implications for both species, as well as the results for society, are truly horrific. The second manga, Tenshi no Bokura, implies that any human female sexually exposed to the One-Gender Race Arume (a species of alien lesbians who reproduce by a complex-and-imperfect genetically engineered Homosexual Reproduction process) becomes psychologically incapable of loving a man, possibly due to special pheremones (a form of chemical warfare?). Blue Drop has a somewhat lesser example.It's effects are closer to More Than Mind Control than traditional but victims still turn into smug snakes. Digimon Adventure 02: The Dark Spores are spread by Milleniummon to harvest the darkness in people's hearts.In one chapter of The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, a real-life parasite that infects snails begins to infect humans instead, with art that puts the horror back in Body Horror.Venus Versus Virus: The Virus changes humans into demons.Cells at Work! features a literal example! Actual viral infections are depicted as hats, masks, and other artifacts that latch onto healthy cells and brainwash them into making more and spreading them around.If The Virus is sentient, then more often than not it is also a Hive Mind with a Hive Queen directing it. Though it's equally likely for the villain to overestimate their ability to do this and self infect, only to discover their Transhuman Treachery ran smack dab into Evil Is Not a Toy. If it's one of the main villains using villainous willpower, then they tend to end up on the high end of the Elite Zombie chain. It also depends on whether it's a main character or not, they can sometimes use The Virus' powers against it with enough Heroic Willpower (a property more typical of The Corruption) and even play Sheep in Wolf's Clothing for a while. How much of the former person is left after infection depends on the series, as does whether or not the process is reversible.

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This tends to lead to the Womb Level and Organic Technology.

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Some strains of The Virus are so powerful the infected can even mutate environments. Despite the body snatching, if The Virus is only able to crudely mimic human behavior it may lead to a Glamour Failure that's especially noticeable. If the converted still remember their previous selves, they will use their personal knowledge to prevent their former loved ones from doing them harm, or from trying to get them back. The converted will have unflagging loyalty and be instantly ready to commence villainous actions. The transformation is both mental and physical. The Virus turns people into itself or into entities subservient to itself.

Carrier command 2 virus bot